Friday, December 2, 2011

On a sad note :(

The past few days have been interesting to say the least.  Someone I once considered a friend tried to end his life and the rumor mill surrounding the event was rampant with falsehoods. The news was tragic and disturbing enough without the rumors.  My thoughts were briefly with him and his family and than as so often happens, the thoughts drifted elsewhere.

I have also struggled to be a good friend to someone else I know who is going through unfathomable changes. I have found it hard to watch what life is throwing at someone who deserves so much better.

No Thanks

Whenever I read a Facebook post that starts with "please do me a favor and...", I stop reading. Immediately. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

All I Want for Christmas is World Peace

Ummmm....not so much.  World peace would certainly be nice but I really want a PS3....hahaha.  I am also very intrigued by the Kindle Fire.  Of course, this Santa buys the presents for herself by herself but not without doing a ton of research first.  I am the queen of impulse buys but when it comes to electronics, no way. Research, research, research.  Always do a ton of research before I purchase a cellphone.  My current phone is the HTC Thunderbolt....worth every penny.  Now I am mad researching televisions and video game consoles.  Too many damn choices - LED, LCD, HDTV, Wii, Xbox, PS3.  Life was so much simpler with a tv that had thirteen channels and an Atari with Frogger, Asteroids and Space Invaders.  Well I must go do some research.....

Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog #1

First of all I never thought I would ever blog anything ever but I find that I encounter too many oddities in life that should be shared.  A little about me - I am a probation officer of kids ages 7-17. I do that during the day and then a few nights a week I cook at the local elks lodge.  I am single and plan on staying that way.  I currently have a roommate who is moving out soon to get married and have a baby.  She will be a great mom and I am very happy for her.  I have a beautiful 11 yr. old goddaughter and a beautiful 15 year old niece who I just met last year (that's a story for another time).  I plan on using this forum to rant about my daily episodes of randomness.  I am gluten free and struggling with this lifestyle change as I am a very good homestyle cook who loved loved loved her bread and muffins and cookies and cake and well you get the picture.